07 Jul 2023

The NSW Department of Education and the University of Newcastle are working together to evaluate the Connected Communities Strategy. This strategy focuses on improving educational outcomes for all students, especially Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. The evaluation (will ensure the strategy aligns to those goals )wants to ensure the strategy is effective in helping these students succeed at school.
How are we conducting this evaluation?
The NSW Department of Education and University of Newcastle will visit connected community sites throughout 2023.
The evaluation will focus on three key areas, including identifying successful practices, areas for improvement, and potential changes to the Connected Communities Strategy. It does not involve assessing individual schools' performance or making comparisons between them.
Who can participate?
Aboriginal students and their school staff, community agencies and families can share their perspectives and experiences as part of the evaluation.
Your school's principal will let you know when the evaluation team will arrive at your school and how you can participate.
Although participation is optional, parents and carers are strongly encouraged to share their thoughts and contribute to shaping future policies and services.
Is my confidentiality assured?
Confidentiality is assured, and individual responses will remain anonymous. Only researchers will be able to access interviews and discussions, while overall findings, including selected school case studies, will be shared with the department’s Connected Communities Directorate.
What’s next?
The University of Newcastle will consult with participants to validate the content, and the findings will be communicated to communities through accessible channels. Additionally, the comprehensive findings will be published on the department’s website.
Where can I find out more?
For more information, contact the Evaluation and Effectiveness team of the department at ConnectedCommunitiesEvaluation@det.nsw.edu.au or visit our website.